Friday, June 12, 2015

Day two

 I didn't sleep well last night. The room was extremely hot and we didn't know there was an air conditioner until the morning came. I am glad that we didn't work the first day in Las Panitas. Instead we went to Leon to explore. Our first breakfast was an egg, rice and beans, salsa and toast. I thought it was pretty tasty. When we were finished we piled in a van and headed to Leon.
On the way to Leon, we stopped in the poor part of Las Panitas to see what kind of conditions people live in and the types of houses we would be building. There was trash everywhere. People were living in shacks made of tin and plastic sheets. Bathrooms were outhouses and people washed off using a tub of water and splashing it on their body.  I found it inspiring how happy these people seemed even though they didn't have much. 
There isn't much in between Las Panitas and Leon. When we arrived we were dropped off near this place they called the square. There were a bunch of school children all dressed in the same uniform running around. There was a huge church in this area which people were coming in and out of. Half of our group stayed in that area and the other half went to the grocery store. The store smelled bad on the outside but the inside was fairly clean. I noticed a lot of american products but also many things I wouldn't read because they were in Spanish. 

We ate lunch in Leon which was really good. These ladies made us chicken and rice and vegetables with this delicious sauce. After we ate lunch we headed back to Las Panitas. A lot of us went to the ocean. The water was really warm in the ocean. A few members from the Fuller Center introduced us to Erica at Playa Roca whose house we were going to build. After we had dinner, Michelle and I went to the ocean to watch the sunset. It was really beautiful.

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